
Just as I am...sweet yet naughty...tough yet mellow...logic yet foolish...childish yet wise...

Monday, July 31, 2006

For you...i'll be the one

Balesan dari Mas Oky...kokohhhh...:p bener banget kayak apa yang gw rasakan;p hehehehhe tau aja neh....thanks ya mas:D

If only you know...

How hard for me to say sorry...

For the scars I’ve left inside you...

For all sweet memories we’ve been through...

Which now rotten...perhaps, forgotten...

If only you know...

I’ve been trapped inside...

Suffocate in my sleep...

Even in the freshest air...

I’m lost in telling you...

That I’ve been hurt too...

Perhaps, you knew...

That I’m still standing here...

Not a leap or a step has been made...

Not a breath I walked away...

And I’d keep trying...

To eased the pain inside us hearts...

But, dear...

If only you know...

That I’m fully understood...

I’m no longer someone to you...

I deserve to be the one...

The one who’s just another face in the crowd...

If it could make you feel better...

I’ll be the one...


Like a complete stranger
We just pass each other

Heart trembling
Eyes gazing
Still trying to take a glance at you

If I have the chance to say a line
Take this praise
Yes dear, you still tremble inside…

Still wondering…
Is there any more feeling?

Foolish me for questioning…

For all the hurt I’ve caused
I’m just a shadow from your past…

By: Nectar, 31/7/6

Friday, July 28, 2006

Guilty pleasure...

Eyes gaze by chance
Catch a glimpse of flirt
Tempted by every inch of you

In silence we move
Not a word whispered
Just the sound of heartbeat
Catching our every breath

As we sealed each sweetness with a kiss
Leads the craving soul to lust
For we’re not even lovers
Yet you’re the one I desire

Let’s pray for a longer nite
For this pleasure is unstoppable
Throw away the guilt
Take this pleasure tonite

Let us be lovers just for one nite

By: Nectar, 28/07/06

A moment of pleasure

One moment fill with pleasure
An escape to ecstasy
Drown in the heavenly liquor
Heartbeats rushin for one desire
A desire to dance
Every beat teases
Thump to be pleases
Let the rhythms lead your move

For I’ll surrender to paradise
Ooo long lusty nite…
Captivated me
For I’m no longer my self

By: Nectar, 28/07/06

Ps: Puisi ini terinspirasi dari basian kemaren malem at Lola's...hehehehehhe...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Sebatas angan...

Dalam sepi ku terdiam
Anggan pun melayang pada suatu masa
Tersenyumku dalam kelam
Teringat cinta yang tak kan pernah bisa

Jika waktu bisa terulang
Inginku berada pada suatu masa...
Dimana cinta menyala
Dalam gelak tawa
dan buai canda

Namun semuanya hanya anggan
Angan-angan yang menghampa
Seperti cinta yang tak kan pernah bisa

By: Nectar, 26/7/06

Monday, July 24, 2006

At the beginning

This mornin
I wake up with a smile
For last nite
The nite was splendid
You surprised me
With sweet little things I hardly imagine

A touch from you
Spark the chemistry inside
This crush feels so real
But is it true?
Or just an escape?

Should I give it a chance?
But I’m not so sure
Am I ready for love?
After the hurt I’ve felt before

Please give me time

All these things happens too fast

If you do care
Will you wait for me?

I promise…
I won’t let you down
Just believe in me
Like I’m trying to believe in love

Let’s wait a while
Till we stand as one
At the beginning of our story

By: Nectar, 24/7/06

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Why did i choose this job???

Lagi iseng-iseng browsing blog2 creative tiba-tiba aja semangat dan obsesi gw yang tadinya loyo muncul lagi. Sebagian besar orang-orang kreatif pasti punya semua obsesi ini, apalagi kalau bukan "award";p
Mungkin kata-kata obsesi terlalu agresif ya...lebih tepatnya my biggest dream deh hehehehe. Yup my biggest dream ya bisa dapetin award advertising...standard banget ya hehehhehe. Bagi gw kalau udah kecebur di dunia advertising satu-satunya penyemangat untuk tetap mempertahankan "your passion for work" ya award itu tadi.
Jujur aja menurut gw dunia advertising tuh keras banget "only the strong can survive" dan buat first jobber yang berharap gaji besar di awal, wah kayaknya agak-agak susah deh. Gw juga gak tau neh apakah gw bisa bertahan atau di tengah jalan tiba-tiba alih profesi;p Ya gw menyadari hal itu begitu gw udah kecebur, hehehhe.

Kerja di dunia advertising memang udah jadi keinginan gw semenjak awal masuk kuliah.Walaupun saat itu gw juga belum tau mo kerja di bagian apa. Pertama kali malah gw sempet pengen jadi AE, tapi melihat kekurangan gw dalam hal berbasa-basi di depan orang lain dan berbicara di depan umum akhirnya keinginan itu harus gw hapus;p

Terus gw sempet tertarik untuk kerja di bagian media, ceritanya mau jadi media planner alasan ketertarikan cuma karena konon katanya gajinya gede...ehhehehe...Tapi setelah dipikir-pikir kok kayaknya kerja di media monoton banget ya...kayaknya gak gw banget, akhirnya batal deh.

Sampai akhirnya di pertengahan semester gw mendapatkan mata kuliah copywriting dan ternyata bikin gw semakin mantap mendalami dunia periklanan. Berkat mata kuliah itu akhirnya tau apa yang gw mau yaitu menjadi seorang copywriter;p padahal gw bener-bener masih buta soal copywriting...yang gw tau kerjanya cuma bikin konsep, ngayalin ide, sama bikin kata-kata indah;p

Biar gak buta-buta amat akhirnya gw memutuskan untuk cari tempat magang. Wah ternyata cari tempat magang susah juga lho...berpuluh-puluh cv n surat magang gw kirim ke agensi2 eh ternyata yang jebol cuma satu;p Akhirnya gw mulai deh magang jadi copywriter di IntegraTunggal 23...nangganin klien kayak majalalah ps: (Plaza Senayan, bikin-bikin newsletter buat internal apartemen The Peak...yang printilan2 kecil gitu seh. Alhasil gw gak puas dengan magang di sana karena ilmu yang gw cari gak dapet. Awalnya gw pikir IntegraTunggal 23 itu semacam advertising agency...ternyata salah...lebih ke agensi kecil yang nangganin promo/event bellow the line. Tapi lumayan juga seh...menghasilkan beberapa portfolio yang lumayan buat pemula:p

Karena ketidakpuasan gw akhirnya semester berikutnya gw cari tempat magangan lagi deh...kali ini lebih selektif...lebih jelas aja mau kemana. Untungnya ada temen seperjuangan gw yang udah magang duluan di dia nawarin...kebetulan banget neh..;p Akhirnya gw kirim cv dan portfolio gak lama kemudian dipanggil..hehehhe..rasanya waktu itu seneng bangetz bisa magang di agensi beneran. Thanks to nimas deh...;p

This is where the story begins....

Hari pertama magang di JWT gw udah langsung disuruh kerja...ya masih ece2 juga cuma translate storyline...tapi makin hari tingkat kesulitan makin naik, gak masalah seh daripada bengong gak ada kerjaan;p Wah gw belajar banyak banget dari JWT....dan di sana gw menemukan seseorang yang bener2 menginspirasikan gw untuk bisa maju di dunia ini. Dia ecd di JWT, india2 gitu, kecil-kecil tapi cabe rawit dan yang bikin gw kagum karena dia bener2 passionate banget sama kerjaannya. Makin takjub lagi kalo dia udah ngeluarin ide gilanya..bisa aja gitu ngeliat dari berbagai angle yang beda...terus kalau udah presentasi...wah bisa banget deh...jago abis..bisa banget ngeyakinin klien...;p

Semenjak itu gw makin yakinnn sama pilihan gw untuk jadi copywriter.

So here i'am now...i write for a living...never stop daydreaming from one idea to another ideas...gettin preasure by deadline and till late...but somehow i like this job...i'm passionate about advertising...and now i'm just trying to convince my self on loving it;D Hope i can survive till i reach what i want:p

Cheers then,


Feeling it again...

On my way home tonite
I sit all alone in my cab
Staring at the dark outside
Yet you’re the one caught inside
Suddenly my emotion escalate
Once again I ‘m drown into memories
And tonite I’m feeling it again

I miss you…

I miss the way you used to call me bebz
Those simple words that blushed me

I miss your voice
The voice that comforts my every breath

I miss the way we used to chat on phones
The tone of your voice when you whine childishly
And our usual goodbye kisses before we get it off

I miss the way you steal a gaze at me
How deep those eyes touch me

I miss the way you take my hand
And crushed it snugly

I miss your scent
The scent that lead me closer to you

I miss you
In every road we cruise
In every song we love
In every lonely time
In every sleepless nite

I miss you…
Though I’m afraid to feel it
Though I’ll never dare to say it

I miss you…

So dear let me keep this to my self
And take you in my dream tonite…

Nectar, 19/7/6

Friday, July 14, 2006

Leave me alone!!!

Hari ini ada apa ya dengan diri gw??? Kok gw ngerasa muak buangetttttttttt sama semuanya...khususnya sama cowo...dan masalah cinta-cintaan gak udah males deh...apa karena gw lagi sensi terus kebawa beban kerjaan...Yah intinya i just want to be butuh butuh sahabat-sahabat mau seneng-seneng...

O God...what should i do....???

If i scream would it cool me down???


Maybe a glass of vodka would be nice...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa Inggris ya?

Agak kaget juga gw...kayaknya makin hari peraturan di Indonesia ini makin aneh deh, beberapa hari yang lalu gw baca di sebuah artikel dari, kurang lebih isi beritanya sih tentang "pengaturan penggunaan bahasa Inggris di kalangan pemerintah". Intinya presiden tercinta kita dilarang berbahasa Inggris ketika memberikan pidato kenegaraan di depan tamu-tamu asingnya. Alasannya karena kita bangsa Indonesia seharusnya menggunakan bahasa Ibu kita sendiri sebagai bentuk penghormatan kepada negara kita tercinta, daripada harus cas-cis-cus berbahasa Inggris.

Kenapa aneh? Karena menurut gw kalau mau menerapkan peraturan seperti itu udah agak telat deh...seharus seh kalau mau ya konsisten dari dulu kayak di negara Jepang misalnya. Gak salah juga seh kalau memang mau bikin peraturan seperti itu tapi menurut gw peraturan itu jadi gak relevan aja...terlalu mengada-ada...yah kayak RUU APP aja.

Kalo emang bener peraturan seperti itu dibuat jangan heran deh kalo orang Indonesia makin tertinggal dalam hal bercas-cis-cus ria...hehhehe jadi inget Putri Indonesia kita si Nadine;p salut juga gw sama Nadine ...udah gak gape ngomong cas-cis-cus masih berani juga cas-cis-cus....yah minor mistake seh kayak nyebutin country jadi city...beach jadi beaches...(atau bitches ya???)...Mother Theresa as her admirer...hehehehe...minor mistake tapi bikin malu satu negara;p Yah setidaknya dia udah usaha...lagipula dari poling dia masuk 5 besar bukan??? kalo emang dia kepilih jadi Miss Universe hebat banget lah...karena ternyata dalam brain, beauty, behaviour...brain mungkin tergantikan dengan breast hehehhehehe....itu kan cuma opini gw..kalo gak setuju ya gak masalah;p
Intinya seh tetep kalo sampe ada peraturan yang membatasi penggunaan bahasa inggris wahhhhh bener-bener parah deh...jangan sampe deh peraturan yang dibuat makin membodohi dan membatasi rakyatnya...hehehhe...

Monday, July 10, 2006

The game of love

"...I just don't understand how God would let us meet, if there is no way for us to be together..." (from the movie "City of Angels")

Maybe you don't need to question what He's up just need to believe in Him and trust Him that everything happens for a reason...maybe He is trying to teach us something... maybe He's trying to show us something...Yeah it showed me something...

"Never give your heart to uncertainty…if you knew from the start it will never work…and don’t you dare cross that line if you knew it will only end up painfully. For love is just like a game you play, not only with your mind but also with your heart."

Thursday, July 06, 2006


Sometimes when we meet by chance
I wish I can just run to you
To touch you
Smile at you
And gaze at you tenderly

But that can’t be
I’m afraid it might hurt you
Maybe it’s best if we keep the distance
Let time wash away the tears
And heal the shattered hearts

Maybe someday…somewhere
We’ll meet again…talk again
Without carrying any burden
And maybe we might smile again
For the sake of good old memories

Someday…somewhere my love
We’ll meet again as good old friend…

By: Nectar, 6/7/6

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Dear little bro

Dear little bro…

You cause me headache
When you’re being such a brat…

You made me mad
When you can’t stop whining…

You drive me nuts
When you’re acting carelessly

Besides all the craziness
Your innocents amused me
Your cleverness amazed me
Your silliness entertained me

Watching you grow from a baby to a smart little boy
Is the most precious gift in my life
I can’t imagine this life without you
How dull my life would be

You complete the colors when I’m in blue
You’re the sun in my rainy day
You teach me a lot of lesson in life

Forgive me
If I get mad easily
Forgive me
If I forget to play with you

Hey little bro…I love you so…

By: Nectar, 5/7/6

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


If only you can hear
I will whisper soft and clear
I miss you dear...
No matter how hard I ignore
The thought of you keep dancing inside

Though pain still lingers…I smile
When I reminisce of your sweet smile
The smile I will never forget
The smile that melt my heart

I shall sleep in peace...
And meet your smile in my dream

By: Nectar, 3/7/6

Monday, July 03, 2006


Ketika sapa menjadi hampa
Ketika mata tak lagi berkata
Ketika hati menjadi mati
Persahabatan yang ada kini tiada

By: Nectar, 3/6/6

Terinspirasi waktu lagi bikin copy buat PET STEP MAGAZINE;p


Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire...
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

Be thankful when you don't know something...
For it gives you the opportunity to learn

Be thankful for the difficult times...
During those times you grow

Be thankful for your limitations...
Because they give you opportunities for improvement

Be thankful for your mistakes...
They will teach you valuable lessons

Be thankful when you're tired and weary...
Because it means you've made a difference

It's easy to be thankful for the good things

A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks

Find a way to be thankful for your troubles...
And they can become your blessings.

*Wonderfull words i found on the web*